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The most responsive age to art projects both process and product is age 3-5.  Children this age thrive when given the chance to make three dimensional art.  To combine their curriculum with art accelerates their language and reading and social skills.  The projects a teacher can do are endless.  I love to do art with this age and would say I am a specialist in preschool art with years of experience with kids.  I have never had a negative experience.  Art is guaranteed to be true fun.





Group Classes for Education or for Parties
Art is a great learning tool.  Art is good for the heart because it is fun.  Art is a great way to bring families and friends together. Art heals the weary mind and renews the tired spirit.  Being creative enriches the soul and restores hope.  Making something together doubles the joy.  Making something for someone else triples the joy.  Art is everything and everything is art. Parties are more fun with a cool project to share.  Art can be combined with all curriculum to make learning more relevant.  Creating boosts self esteem and team play. To create is to experience true play.




Magic Paintbrush provides art supplies

safe and age appropriate

Eight and above
No matter what age we need to be creating beautiful work.  I tailor the projects according to your interest and need.  This is a form of therapy and more therapeutic when shared with someone special.  Boys enjoy art when they can make something they can relate to like masks or paper mache snakes.  Art is true fun for everyone.





Art 4 Heart Classes
This is a class that is offered as a group or to individuals in a semi private fun setting away from home.  We either meet in a park or at a coffee shop or campus to create amazing art for people age 2 - 200. You will be surprised at how this simple yet extraordinarily fun class will change your life and save your heart from stress, anger, or fear.  The class is tailored and structured according to desire and need.  It is play based and the only requirement is to enjoy it.  We meet once or twice per week.  If we meet twice per week the cost changes.  However, the cost is determined on a sliding scale and is donation based.







:Magic Paintbrush Traveling School of Art belongs exclusively to myself, the creator, Elena Starr.

Toddler Classes
Even toddlers love to do art.  In this photo a little one admires the toy drum she decorated and personalized.  They love to do this with their parents, siblings, teachers, or friends.  This is a great way to interact with toddlers.  The project time varies with them being that they have short attention spans.  20 minutes is the average time. Art helps toddlers develop their language and social skills.







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